James Farmer Multicultural Center Virtual Information Session
This is my way 11.
Rules for lent.
The same.
It's not working.
Restaurants delivering meals to hospitals, rats.
For her.
Where we are looking at.
Or sometimes triple. Here's a guy who is sitting there.
Is this?
I'm sorry.
Play Batman.
Like that?
Every day.
Power power.
Alright, thank you.
For more about today.
Beyond their all across it.
Kyle has been loading that bus up with meals and delivering them around this computer Next up.
His wife, truck driver and she says he's working tirelessly just to make sure that we get what we need.
Thank you for what you do.
Thank you.
She posted a photo of his daughter who's been having some difficulty with a school assignment and look outside.
You brought over a white board to help her through the glass door.
This time.
Emergency room
OK, here I am.
Good morning.
Good morning.
So excited to be here.
Yes, Oh God, while I was up I woke up early and then um, so um.
Oh nice.
I did my Walmart Order.
Yeah, and.
Did they give you a code?
I don't know.
That's weird.
Yeah, look this stuff out that.
Right 'cause it should have I should have.
Yeah, 'cause I play, I wonder if it's like I have to pick it up or something weird like that. You know, like in it completely process.
OK 'cause I'm not going on. You're gonna laugh but I I have my scheduled to pick up at.
Between 8 nine in the morning but.
Is it tomorrow? Are you doing it tomorrow?
Oh OK, well, I mean since mine is 5 to 6 tonight. Maybe you would get it after that.
That would be nice, so that so it but it was like I literally have to add a few things too. So I was like, Alright, I forgot I need to add eggs.
And butter, if they have it.
Yeah, good luck with that.
I couldn't even get some vanilla extract.
Really, oh, I saw that yesterday last night when I was on it.
You got mine.
Well, I mean I didn't get it. I was looking at, you know, like how you can go in and look at the different like categories or whatever. And it was like.
I don't know Easter Baking desserts. Whatever, I don't know, and it had like sugar. It had vanilla extract in there.
Oh, OK.
It's probably that then.
Well, I like the UM, I don't like imitation there a lot of imitation. I like, yeah, yeah. And it's.
It's a subtle difference, but Oh well. There's only two people.
Yeah, I know.
Oh, she's here. I think 3 guests Joanna. OK, if you can hear us hit the broadcast video.
You see the button up at the top.
Oh, there she is hello.
Trying to find these 'cause I remember you said that.
Headphone, but our microphone in it is the best, right?
Yeah, you can use that. Some people, their computers have a strong enough microphone, but.
I'm like you, so I'm in the same thing.
This guy about stereo, like the studio sounds. Yeah, I I I got it. I got it. Yeah I was. I didn't mean to be listening in. I was trying to get the my earphones and everything but I heard you saying a vanilla extract. You can find a Villa vanilla extract everywhere.
We were talking about our Walmart online orders.
It's so it's it's just insanity out there.
No, the word is insanity. I mean, I literally put a one ounce real vanilla extract in my cart last night and this morning it was gone.
Yeah, they just, it just gets taken. Yeah, it's.
Well yeah, so I'm gonna be flexible if I have to get imitation. So be it. I prefer the real stuff, but OK.
Don, I have heard that too. Yeah yeah.
Yeah, I also hear yeast is like off the shelves like nobody can find nobody can find used anywhere so.
People I swear to God they're not making all this stuff is sitting in their pants, I'm convinced.
Yeah it is like have a setup like in their house. They just stare at a wall of supplies like one day.
Yeah, yeah.
One day I'm gonna really I'm gonna really see all of this come to fruition.
Oh yeah.
You know who is probably laughing and everybody is those extreme. Couponing people who have like stacks of everything like in their garage.
I know you know.
Yeah, an unfinished basement. Just full of toilet paper for years and everybody called them crazy and now yeah.
Right now I know I don't like that.
Oh nice.
Oh, that's nice. That's good then.
Yeah, that's good. That's good.
Yeah, yeah, we like that.
No, but I also see that some of those extreme coupon or people are are using that skill and stocking up and then donating that stuff too. Like nursing home places that need it, that kind of thing. So that's a That's a good thing. Yeah, food pantry.
Well I have.
I have two teenagers I could definitely use.
I literally.
Yeah, I can't. I put stuff in the pantry and the next day it's gone so they eat everything.
There is no no rationing.
We're gonna need to start putting out. Yeah, you need to put like one thing out today, Diane.
There yeah.
Oh, I have food hidden in my closet, my clothes, my you know where I live, where I put my clothes and it's like in the bags in the grocery bags because I know if I put it out they'll eat it. No, they don't. They don't see there in the House and their board, so they're eating.
Yeah, they're just eating, yeah?
Right, so then you don't need to eat a whole package of like sandwich cookies that like the you know the chocolate like Oreo.
Need to eat a whole pack of that with Adele.
In addition.
Oh my gosh.
Oh this there 15 in 19 they had hangover.
That's funny.
God, I wish it wasn't but yeah, yeah, so.
That's yeah, it's a. It's a crazy world out there.
Let's be sure. OK, well you guys want to get started.
Now I'm.
First off, happy Friday we made it.
Yes, we may. We made it through another week, yeah?
OK, so on the left do you see two tabs? When it says chat and when it says guest?
OK, so the chat tab that is where students will be able to type in their questions to you or their comments when you're actually doing the presentation. So you'll see their first name and then the first initial other last name, which will kind of help a little bit with privacy. Then you as a presenter the students won't be able to see it, but you'll be able to see the guest tab, so that is literally everyone who is in the chat itself, even if they don't type a question or a comment, so you'll be able to see that there.
Then when you're gonna take over like and start the presentation up near up near the top near the broadcast video, you can see control slides, so you would hit that and it would turn green and so that means you would actually have.
Control of it. So you would be able to click through your slide. You can kind of see the ribbon at the bottom so you as a presenter would be able to see those, but any student or guest will only be able to see the one that you're currently selected on.
Gotcha, OK?
So you can go through that. The presentation we have the time allotted is an hour, but it can take less than that. Some sessions have been 30 minutes, some are 45 minutes. Kind of depending on how things are going and how many questions might be asked.
And then whenever you would be done, you would hit that, the green or the Gray button settings up with also top and a box would appear in the bottom of that it would say close event. So if you don't do it now, 'cause that will actually literally close this out right now.
So just do that at the very end of your presentation, and then you will also have an admission staff member in here with you. What day are you you were doing it on?
I think there's like that.
Your Friday both Friday the 10th, so I believe his you'll have Adam more that way. He'll be here to support you in case there's any kind of technical difficulties. If there's an emissions question or just maybe something that you might not know that he can kind of chime in and support, but you'll pretty much be the main person for the presentation.
Do you have any questions?
Um, how so are there? Are they registering for this now and like telling us are there that they're interested, OK?
Yes, so right now you only have two students, but I think we're going to still send out some more email invitations to kind of invite people so all admitted students have been invited and we're still sending out offers, so that will increase as well. And this is sitting on are the visit page on the emissions website on the University website. So potentially somebody might sign on who is not an admitted student just because it is on the public facing.
Calendar, but students do have to pre register said nobody can join or sign up after the event itself has already started.
And then the other thing I will do is the morning of your session. I will send you an email and I'll copy Adam on it and I'll include the people who have registered to attend and if they have any. If they have submitted any questions ahead of time. That way you might know, kind of what they're thinking or questions they might be wondering about.
So when I made the PowerPoint originally, I made sure to make it accessible like as accessible as I possibly could. Uhm, and the final. The video that we had to move to the end.
Start the YouTube video where I've added captions to it so the captions are there like within the YouTube like environment. So if you click like the button, can I see if that if that works?
We can we can try that. 'cause I think if you want to scroll to the end.
And how does this so when when they're seeing it like on the on the student facing side? Is it like the PowerPoint takes up the whole thing and then I'm like a little blip at the bottom, is it?
So you gonna be over on the left, so you're more screen will be above where the chat is, where the chat in the guest having is, and then so the main part of the screen will actually be the PowerPoint presentation.
OK, and Adam when he's here is he just gonna be moderating the chat or is he going to be also like a video?
No, I don't think he'll be video unless something strange happens and he needs to kind of jump on. He he'll have access that he can do that, but he'll probably just be in the chat portion.
OK, so no, no audio either. Just like him he could type.
I'm not.
Again, he can if he wants, so it's in or if you want him to come, we can. I can have him do that, so that's kind of your preference.
Doesn't seem like him up, Sir.
Oh no, you're good.
Social justice in fall break this year actually retrace the route of the freedom rides in 1960, blinded by orchestrating.
Are you seeing captions?
Most welcome.
I'm asking.
Sure, Yeah.
I am not and I wonder if 'cause I think I just literally included the YouTube link. Can you send me a quick email with the YouTube link? Do you have easy access to it and let me see what it kind of looks like?
I am and I also paused it on my end, but it's not pausing.
And our personal experience.
Each other.
So I'll navigate off of that is it. Did it stop?
Uhm, OK so.
OK, cool practice sessions are a great idea.
Yes, yes they are uhm.
So I will. I will send you the the direct link to it. If we can't play it, we can't play it and that's.
I I don't want to like I don't want to add any any stress or strain to it I can. I can really go through and maybe even we can direct them to the video at at a later date or.
When the.
Going so I know there is.
I went directly to the video, which is probably what I put in there, but I wonder if we put like, you know, if you would go to YouTube and search your video and how that would come up like on the actual YouTube website, I wonder if that would be better.
OK, the video is, uhm, unlisted.
For right now, but I I could I could make it public. It's not like I make it public and Oh my gosh, I have a million views so I I just published it. So for the purposes of this PowerPoint, but I can make a public if you think that might be that might be hanging it up.
Let's try that. Just because when I was kind of practicing with the videos, I ended up putting one from.
Um, that the University has in one of their pages. So pretty much what ended up happening with theirs is the actual web page itself would show up, and then I was able to like Scroll down on the page and click on the video.
And so I'm thinking that might work, but isolated.
I'm gonna be like an I frame like in the thing and you just click on.
I think so, um, so if you want to send me that link and then we can kind of test that out.
Sounds good.
But everything else, so it it does involve like I do have to click.
To to advance the slides.
All right.
Um and everything. Everything seems to be like showing up.
Correctly, I'm trying to like browse through ones that I would be worried that stuff would get cutoff alright.
Well, that's cool. Um, how is I'm speaking it like a kind of conversational tone like this is how I would speak on like when I've been having zoom and teams meetings and that sort of thing. And that's not too loud, not OK.
It's good, no perfect for me.
Now instead.
Um, trying to think.
I'm thinking I'm probably going to adjust this this situation behind me. Uhm, so I'm probably gonna turn so that there's just kind of a blank backdrop up in the back so that you're not in a bedroom space.
Maybe not the not the not the best context for meeting new students. Uhm, I need any other. Any other considerations though. For just like this the overall like.
Giving a presentation.
I don't think so, no. No, I think I think you're pretty much habit. If a question does pop up in your mind, kind of over the next days or so, you're welcome to email, Diane and I, and we can kind of troubleshoot if you think about something or but I'll also be in touch with you.
After you sent me the video links and I get in there and kind of try to see if I can see it with the captioning.
I can't think of anything else for right now, um.
But like you said, if I do, I'll shoot you an email and I'll be sending you the email with the video just to see how we can kind of trouble shoot that.
OK Awesome Alright. Well thank you so much.
All right in.
Thank you, I hope you find your vanilla extract.
Thank you.
And various other necessities that you are you gonna make like banana bread is that?
Is that the girl?
Now I was my my 19 year old daughter. She's she's into baking. She's so bored she bakes everyday. So you need vanilla. So um, she's going through it at a very rapid pace. We had chocolate chip cookies, Mint Chip Cookies, a Angel food cake bundt cake. What else?
Wow, she I thought you said she made brownies the one day.
Yeah, oh, she's made like 3 different kinds of brownies. One of them had caramel chips in them.
So, uhm, I can't. I cannot eat all of this.
So you're so you're saying If I find vanilla extract to bring it to you and then I will get those caramel brownie?
No yeah yeah.
All right?
I'm on a mission today then.
We're in a barter society now. I just gotta like.
Works for me because she's a good Baker, but I can't eat it all. So yeah, I'm ready to spread the wealth.
Very good.
I will I will assist you. It's the least I can do and that's such dire times.
Alright, well y'all take care Anne I will be sending you that email. UM with the link and everything, uh?
Great oh and then just one last thing, when you close out of this you can just close your browser. This tab you don't need to actually go in and close the event.
Not tell your actual presentation at the end of it.
So when I actually give my presentation, I will be doing that, but not right now.
'cause it will. 'cause it will shut it will shut it down.
Yes, but not today can. Since we're in the actual event itself. Yeah close yes, yes.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Let's not do that. I'll shut my browser cat. I'm glad it's also, I'm glad it's so complicated to actually shut it down because that I would just be.
Would just be ruining the whole the whole setup.
Alright, thank you.
Right, well thank you all so much. Hope you guys are doing alright an we're getting through it.
You tell alright. Enjoy your Friday.
Alright, bye.
Hello Adam
Adam Moore
04:56:27 PM
Hi, JoAnna!
My my audio in my video looking OK.
Adam Moore
04:56:41 PM
Adam Moore
04:57:00 PM
If you need anything, just let me know
Sounds good.
Should a question, um, do these normally start pretty close to on time, or should I wait for the majority of the participants to join in? Or how does that? How does that typically go?
Adam Moore
04:57:58 PM
Some of the participants may already have entered but they are not allowed in until 4
Adam Moore
04:58:17 PM
if the majority is there I would go ahead and start
Sounds good.
Adam Moore
04:59:25 PM
we might have some stragglers but for the most part students that will attend usually have already signed in by this point
I like a good on time start.
Adam Moore
04:59:39 PM
Welcome folks.
I see some folks are joining us.
Grace and Sinaya
I'm excited you all signed up and want to hear more about our office.
Will wait for a couple more people to filter in.
If you want to, you can feel free to introduce yourself in the chat. If, uh, if you just kind of want to sit back and watch, that's perfectly OK too.
You can feel free to tell us a little bit about yourself where you're from.
Aniya S.
05:01:29 PM
Hi I'm Aniya and I'm from Maryland
Hello Anaya, where are you from in Maryland if you don't mind the mind sharing?
Aniya S.
05:01:53 PM
St. Mary's County
All right, very cool.
Hopefully you guys are getting some some good weather. Recently it snowed in Virginia this morning a little bit.
Kind of kind of alone.
Uh, unseasonal.
Like I said, We'll just wait a couple more minutes.
For some folks to join in.
He also have Melanie.
As I said before it, you could feel free to introduce yourself in the chat if you would like to.
More get started momentarily.
Melani C.
05:03:03 PM
Hi I’m currently working on my bed frame :/
Like you're putting it together, you Melanie says she's working on our bed frame. Are you putting it together?
Melani C.
05:03:31 PM
yea and it’s frustrating
I feel you.
I'm sure you will feel very accomplished once it's completed an eye, but I do appreciate that you are in attendance today and you want to hear a little bit more about the James Farmer Multicultural Center.
And also Adam more from admissions is here, Adam if you think that it's a good time to get started. If you can see some of the folks that are waiting and and that kind of thing and it's a good time, just let me know.
I'm happy to wait a couple more minutes if there's more people who are going to join us.
But again, thank you.
Adam Moore
05:04:39 PM
Feel free to get started whenever you would like!
I'm excited that you want to know more information and feel free during the presentation. If any questions come up, I'll try to keep an eye out on the chat. If you have any questions as I'm presenting all, try to try to work that into what I'm saying. Or we can. We can talk a little bit at the end.
Well it's 405.
I can kinda.
Kind of go ahead and start up. If you all feel OK about that, I think we have a good number of folks joining us. So just to quickly introduce myself, my name is Joanna Rossi. I'm the associate director of the James Farmer Multicultural Center and on your screen you should be able to see it's a little bit faded out, but you'll see this photo a little bit later.
James Farmer Multicultural Center is an office on campus.
We do a lot of the cultural programming that happens. We also do a lot of the social justice programming and we work with our student organizations who are in some way shape or form affiliated with either a cultural identity or a social justice cause an I will get into that a little bit later. Also, if you have any specific questions about organizations that you might be interested in joining, I might be able to help you out with that as well.
Um, so getting into it a little bit the what is the James Farmer Multicultural center? Like I said We are an office on campus. We also do a lot of the events and programming that happens as well. So we're not just one location. Alot of our events will happen after 5:00 PM, but during the day eight to five. You can find us on the third floor of the University Center. That's kind of central to campus. If you've ever visited campus before.
It's a really, really big building. There's food, there's a Panera in there now, so that's a big draw for folks and on the top floor of that building is where campus dining is located, and so a lot of we get a lot of foot traffic into our office. But we really are kind of a central location, a central hub for folks who are looking for just kind of a place to come in an Hangouts. But also if folks are interested in getting more involved in any of the cultural programming that we do.
Um, our vision and are really our purpose on campus is to create those safe spaces where people can feel free to be themselves, and then also we can spread awareness of different cultures and like it says there. I really like the cultivate cultural learning, an appreciation. That's really what we try to do as much as possible. We're not just an office that's for one specific type of person. I know that can typically be the mindset that some folks are.
Then, but we are definitely that campus office. That's that's really trying as much as possible to create safer spaces and to create opportunities for learning in all aspects of your life. Whether that's what you're doing in the classroom or what you're doing as far as your career or just in general. If people are interested in learning a little bit more.
About diversity, inclusion, and cultures other than their own.
And the photo that you see here is actually a picture of doctor James farmer. And I'll get to him on the next slide. But that is a statue of him that lives on campus, right across from Trinkle. Hall inches, an academic building, and I will talk a little bit more about why our office is named after him. And while he's such a cool dude.
So this is a photo of the real life. James farmer, um, he was a huge. He's a huge name in the civil rights movement, so I will first start off talking about core or the Congress of racial equality. When he was a college student, he started. Well, he joined an organization known as core. It was happening during the Civil Rights Movement or right before the civil rights movement that we know of.
Really kicked off in the United States, and so as a college student, he felt really passionately that folks should be given an equal chance regardless of the way that they looked. And so he joined this organization and the really big organizing effort that he took on in his role was the freedom rides.
So if you've never heard of it, the freedom rides were away that folks during the civil rights movement were trying to desegregate Interstate travel. There were plenty of bills and legislation that was passed to say folks of color and white folks can ride on the same bus between states, but that was, as we know, not really.
Uh, the southern states weren't really obeying some of that legislation, and so doctor farmer and a group of college students decided that they were going to jump on a bus and make a really big statement about driving all the way from Washington DC down to Louisiana for A.
For a meeting of the minds for the civil rights movement and so their first stop little fact their first stop on the freedom rides was actually in Fredericksburg, VA, which is a pretty neat claim to fame because they left out of DC. We were the first stop and then they went through the South. They were met with a lot of hostility and racial violence along the way and they actually had to stop the very first freedom, right? They could not complete their mission, but because so many other people.
During the civil rights movement, had heard about what they had done. There were many other civil, many other freedom rights that popped up.
Uh, after this, and that's really when, after farmer became a household name in the civil rights movement, he was one of the big four along with Malcolm X, Whitney Young and doctor Martin Luther King. So he was. He was right there on the front lines with all of them.
And really, after he felt like he needed to take a step back from the civil rights movement and most the majority of his work. With that he thought was over. He was looking for teaching positions and he found the University of Mary Washington then Mary Washington College and became a professor of history in American studies at the University. So little facts is that there was a time in our history for about 15 years I believe is when he taught.
At the University that you could take a class on American, the American Civil Rights Movement, taught by doctor James Farmer, one of the big four in the civil rights movement, so that.
That is, that is his mark on our University. That's why we have the bust of him on campus. He made a significant impact on our campus while he was here. And he also right before he passed away, he received the Presidential Medal of freedom. And so in this photo here you will see that's what that's what he's wearing, and that's what the statue on campus. Also defects. That is a very high honor to receive.
And he was definitely. We were glad that he was able to be honored while he was still while he was still with us. So now you know, doctor James farmer. And once we're able to get back on campus, when you ever when you come into our office, we can show you in the back corner of our office. We have two of his wingback chairs that were in his office when he was on campus and so sometimes I'll come out of my office and just sit and one of those and just kind of.
Kind of feel the vibe of of doctor James Farmer. So we live his legacy through all the advocacy work and all the education that we do on campus.
Aniya S.
05:22:30 PM
yay food
Aniya S.
05:42:00 PM
I don't have any questions, thank you for all of the information!!
Aniya S.
05:42:22 PM
You too!
Melani C.
05:42:52 PM
I was wondering if there is a latinx club or organization on campus?
Adam Moore
05:44:52 PM
Yes. Thanks, JoAnna!