English Virtual Information Session
Gary Richards
04:48:12 PM
Welcome to the English and English: Creative Writing webinar!
Gary Richards
04:48:43 PM
Feel free to type in questions, and I'll try to answer them as the talk goes along.
Takera Zajac
04:54:53 PM
can you see me
Gary Richards
04:56:31 PM
I could. Do you see me now or just hear me
Takera Zajac
04:58:00 PM
Takera Zajac
04:58:15 PM
You should see students start to pop in the next few minutes
Gary Richards
04:58:28 PM
Aanya R.
05:00:14 PM
Benjamin K.
05:00:17 PM
Jacob L.
05:00:18 PM
Tabitha R.
05:00:21 PM
Emily K.
05:00:28 PM
Grace S.
05:00:32 PM
Colin W.
05:00:32 PM
Arden J.
05:00:33 PM
Olivia C.
05:00:39 PM
Joy O.
05:00:46 PM
Emily S.
05:00:59 PM
Colin W.
05:01:01 PM
Loudoun County, VA
Jacob L.
05:01:14 PM
Hi! I'm coming in from Loudoun and my favorite book is Eragon
Rachel C.
05:01:19 PM
Severna Park, MD
Tabitha R.
05:01:24 PM
I'm from King George, VA and you can't just ask me to CHOOSE like this!
Arden J.
05:01:25 PM
Fairfax, Virginia and my favorite book(s) are Eragon, Frankenstein, various graphic novels.
John L.
05:01:25 PM
I'm from Richmond VA, favorite book is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Emily K.
05:01:28 PM
Culpeper county, va and my favorite book is currently The Outsider by Stephen King
Emily S.
05:01:35 PM
Stafford VA! My favorite book is Six of Crows
Aanya R.
05:01:37 PM
Manassas,VA, I don't have favorite book, but I like to read
Benjamin K.
05:01:50 PM
Fairfax, VA favorite book is the song of ice and fire series
Joy O.
05:02:02 PM
Faifax, VA and I love Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
Thomas B.
05:02:16 PM
Richmond, VA favorite book is As I Lay Dying
Emily S.
05:02:17 PM
Jacob L.
05:02:18 PM
Tabitha R.
05:02:18 PM
Joy O.
05:02:19 PM
Takera Zajac
05:02:19 PM
Thomas B.
05:02:19 PM
Grace S.
05:02:20 PM
Benjamin K.
05:02:22 PM
Arden J.
05:02:26 PM
Daniella C.
05:02:50 PM
Hello! I'm coming from Dumfries, VA and my favorite book is Neanderthal Opens The Door To The Universe! and yes :)
Rachel C.
05:04:01 PM
Picking a favorite book is like picking a favorite movie. Too many to choose from.
Tabitha R.
05:04:42 PM
What is your favorite book?
Barbara A.
05:04:54 PM
Where did you go to school?
Rachel C.
05:05:13 PM
What made you interested in teaching English?
Barbara A.
05:06:34 PM
How do you think English is significant in the modern world?
Barbara A.
05:08:46 PM
how can UMW help prepare a student to not only major in English but use that degree to become a teacher?
Barbara A.
05:10:15 PM
Yes I am!
Arden J.
05:13:04 PM
Can creative writing help with character development and plot, especially if they are going to be use for a visual medium?
Arden J.
05:13:38 PM
Thats so cool!!
Daniella C.
05:14:05 PM
That's awesome!!
Arden J.
05:16:04 PM
Thanks! It's my dream to develop a cartoon that represents people on the autism spectrum positively and realistically and write some graphic novels!
Joy O.
05:16:42 PM
That's so cool, Arden!
Arden J.
05:17:02 PM
Thank you, Joy!
Barbara A.
05:17:07 PM
That is really awesome Arden!!!
Daniella C.
05:17:15 PM
Arden J.
05:17:29 PM
Thank you, Barbara :)
Tabitha R.
05:17:56 PM
Are there many opportunities in the publishing industry?
Barbara A.
05:19:13 PM
What is your favorite type of literature to teach about? Novels, poetry, short stories?
Anastasia Z.
05:19:25 PM
How big are the creative writing classes?
Rachel C.
05:19:25 PM
Include people with Asperger's. Autism is not just the ones people show on t.v. where they can do rocket science, but can't tie their shoes.
Joy O.
05:20:10 PM
Is there a specific route you would recommend for someone who would like to teach english internationally?
Arden J.
05:20:46 PM
As someone with Asperger's, I will definitely represent them :)
Rachel C.
05:21:12 PM
Thanks :)
Daniella C.
05:21:21 PM
Speaking of the publishing world, what skills are taught in terms of the Creative Writing major in the editorial sense? I'm an aspiring editor and I'm curious!
Arden J.
05:21:41 PM
You're welcome, Rachael. :)
Tabitha R.
05:21:41 PM
Me too Daniella!
Daniella C.
05:23:04 PM
Thank you!!
Arden J.
05:24:28 PM
I'm in Representation of Autism in Contemporary Film and Literature!
Daniella C.
05:24:47 PM
Barbara A.
05:24:49 PM
That is awesome Arden!!!
Daniella C.
05:25:10 PM
One of friends has Aspergers and it's cool to see something like this!
Joy O.
05:25:11 PM
Wow that is so cool!
Daniella C.
05:25:14 PM
Arden J.
05:25:45 PM
Thanks! I can't wait to start the FSEM!
Tabitha R.
05:26:33 PM
I'm just really excited! Brit lit is one of my favorite classes
Joy O.
05:28:49 PM
Asian literature is so fascinating
Daniella C.
05:29:06 PM
All of these sounds so interesting
Arden J.
05:29:21 PM
Agreed :D
Barbara A.
05:29:24 PM
Oh my gosh I literally wanna take all of these hahaahaha (::::
Daniella C.
05:29:34 PM
Same Barbara!!
Arden J.
05:29:39 PM
Me too!
Joy O.
05:29:40 PM
Me too!
Anastasia Z.
05:30:55 PM
Are there any publications on campus we can work on?
Tabitha R.
05:31:20 PM
For an editor, do you recommend going the creative writing route or just generally majoring in English?
Daniella C.
05:31:41 PM
Anastasia Z.
05:32:34 PM
thank you))
Tabitha R.
05:33:57 PM
Yes! Thank you!
Barbara A.
05:36:22 PM
Ahhh that sounds fascinating!!
John L.
05:36:47 PM
linguistics has always been fascinating to me and i'm super interested in the linguistics minor
Arden J.
05:40:04 PM
The Writing Mansion sounds like the perfect place to write a murder mystery.
Tabitha R.
05:40:10 PM
Arden yes!!
Daniella C.
05:40:11 PM
Jacob L.
05:40:15 PM
Daniella C.
05:40:33 PM
And four years later, watch that be a bestseller
Arden J.
05:40:41 PM
Tabitha R.
05:41:05 PM
Daniella and I can help edit :)
Daniella C.
05:41:33 PM
That'll be our individual study, we all write the book lol
Arden J.
05:41:35 PM
I'll help with cover art, characters, and plot :)
Barbara A.
05:41:58 PM
I’ll teach it to my students one day hahahaahahahaha
Joy O.
05:42:09 PM
I'll teach it in Japanese lol
John L.
05:43:01 PM
what exactly is the role of an FSEM?
Colin W.
05:43:46 PM
Glad there are many choices
John L.
05:44:18 PM
yeah sounds great!
Arden J.
05:44:55 PM
What is Autism Learners?
Barbara A.
05:45:03 PM
Heyyyy I’ve worked at Chick-fil-A for two years!!
Barbara A.
05:45:32 PM
Oh no I was just excited gahahahaa!!
Arden J.
05:45:36 PM
It's one of the internships listed on the slide
Arden J.
05:46:14 PM
Okay, thank you!
Barbara A.
05:46:48 PM
Are internships required for the English degree
Barbara A.
05:47:55 PM
Yes it did thank you!!!
Anastasia Z.
05:49:51 PM
Are there any good book shops close to campus?
Barbara A.
05:49:57 PM
who is your favorite author?
Arden J.
05:50:48 PM
What book would you like a movie or show adaptation of?
Colin W.
05:50:55 PM
There is nothing like a real book in your hands! Can't stand kindles.
Jacob L.
05:51:04 PM
Daniella C.
05:51:07 PM
Joy O.
05:51:16 PM
Were there any study abroad opportunities in Southeast Asia?
Tabitha R.
05:51:17 PM
There's a bookshop called Riverby downtown that's amazing!
Arden J.
05:51:50 PM
John L.
05:51:58 PM
do you have any good book suggestions to read during quarantine?
Tabitha R.
05:52:01 PM
With orientation being wacky, I'm nervous about choosing my classes. Do you know if we'll still have personal help from an advisor?
Colin W.
05:52:15 PM
Good question, T
Joy O.
05:52:18 PM
Alright thank you!
Daniella C.
05:52:43 PM
Barbara A.
05:52:53 PM
I’m currently reading a big volume of F Scott Fitzgerald’s short stories and I am HOOKED
Arden J.
05:53:00 PM
Are there any internship programs in Burbank, California and or Atlanta, Georgia?
Arden J.
05:53:24 PM
Has anyone read The Yellow Wallpaper?
Barbara A.
05:53:36 PM
I’ve heard of it, Arden!
Joy O.
05:53:37 PM
I've heard of it
Joy O.
05:53:42 PM
I really want to read it
Arden J.
05:54:21 PM
It's so fascinating! It's a psychological horror short story!
Emily S.
05:54:22 PM
Since the classes are so small, is there competition for spaces?
Tabitha R.
05:54:35 PM
Emily good question
Barbara A.
05:54:37 PM
Emily I was wondering that too!!
Jacob L.
05:54:41 PM
Emily S.
05:54:52 PM
Haha thanks :)
Arden J.
05:55:03 PM
Thank you!
Daniella C.
05:55:14 PM
oh my god
Emily K.
05:55:20 PM
I love the Yellow Wallpaper we read it this year in AP lit!!
Arden J.
05:55:45 PM
Jacob L.
05:55:58 PM
haha is there a Hunger Games style tournament for class spots? I better start researching my competition!
Arden J.
05:56:35 PM
May the odds be ever in your favor
Emily S.
05:56:38 PM
Okay, thank you!
Barbara A.
05:56:40 PM
Thank you so so much for offering this seminar, Professor! You helped clear up a lot of things for me and I really appreciate your help!!!
Daniella C.
05:56:55 PM
Thank you!!
Emily K.
05:56:59 PM
Thank you!!!
Olivia C.
05:57:04 PM
Thank you
Arden J.
05:57:06 PM
Thank you so much!
Jacob L.
05:57:07 PM
thanks for your time!
Benjamin K.
05:57:10 PM
Thank you!
Colin W.
05:57:13 PM
Thank you!
Barbara A.
05:57:14 PM
Nice talking to you all!!
Emily S.
05:57:14 PM
Thank you!
Thomas B.
05:57:16 PM
Thank you!
Tabitha R.
05:57:17 PM
This has been my favorite webinar by far, thank you!
Grace S.
05:57:18 PM
Thank you
Joy O.
05:57:22 PM
Yes, thank you! And it was fun listening to everyone in the chat
Anastasia Z.
05:57:39 PM
thank you!
Daniella C.
05:57:42 PM
This was super fun! Can't wait to see you guys in the fall :)))
Takera Zajac
05:57:47 PM
Thank you so very much!!! You are greatly appreciated!